Social Media Marketing For Small Businesses

social media marketing experts

Why Your Business Must Use Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Firm - The Raleigh SEO CompanyRaleigh businesses from all industries are quickly taking the leap of faith by making use of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, etc. to market their products and services. Recognized brands like Duke Medicine and Red Hat are generating thousands of Facebook fans for their respective page. Business owners can replicate this kind of success without any difficulty. The main question here is that: in this day and age, can a business based in Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Chapel Hill, etc. survive without social media?

And the answer is NO. Allow me to point out several reasons why social media is crucial for the survival of your business.

1. Customers Want More Personal Interaction

Social media has made it possible for North Carolina businesses to reach out to customers on a personal note. The ability to reply and share content has given businesses the opportunity to create a more personal interaction without having to go through hotlines or emails. The dialogue between you and your customers is instantaneous, which is a huge bonus when you’re addressing questions about products or customer service issues.

2. Best Way To Build Brand Visibility

Facebook has more than a billion registered users with more than 650 million daily users. If you can showcase your business’s brand to a fraction of these, your brand will become more memorable. Studies have shown that people are more likely to remember Facebook posts longer than text from a book or article.

3. Big Companies Are Already In

When big corporations are using social media, it’s an indicator that they are seeing social media as a powerful tool for marketing. Otherwise, they wouldn’t spend money on hiring social media specialists. Log on to Facebook and look up the big brands within your industry. Take a couple of minutes to view their Facebook page and see what they have in common. You’ll find that most of them are using Facebook to build better brand awareness and visibility.

4. Dinosaurs Died Out Millions of Years Ago

Traditional marketing tactics like print media and TV commercials are dying, like how dinosaurs died out millions of years ago. They already served their purpose in the evolutionary chain of marketing and it’s time for a new species to dominate the world of business: SOCIAL MEDIA.

5. It’s Where Most People Hang Out

Social media is where the cool kids hang out, or rather, where a lot of people are hanging out these days. After all, Facebook has reported millions of daily users, so it should come as no surprise that your customers may be part of those millions.

Business owners throughout the Triangle area should take the hint: they cannot survive without social media and these reasons are proof of it.

Contact the Raleigh SEO Company to fins out how we can help.

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